

Jim BeallJim Beall
Former Senator

Mr. 吉姆·比尔毕生致力于公共服务.  他是圣克拉拉的成员 县监事委员会,圣何塞市议会成员.  此外,他还当选了 to the 加利福尼亚州参议院 in 2012 – 2020 to represent District 15, which includes San Jose, Campbell, Los Gatos, Saratoga, Cupertino, and Monte Sereno. Before joining 在参议院,他在州议会工作了六年.
He served as the chairman for the Senate Transportation and Housing Committee. Sen. Beall introduce SB 12 Foster Youth in Higher Education to address the barriers faced by foster youth in continuing and completing a post-secondary degree. Jim Beall is 他是圣何塞州立大学的校友,获得了学士学位.S. in Urban Planning.

Patricia GardnerPatricia Gardner

Ms. Patricia Gardner目前就职于PAG领导力咨询公司. Previously, she led the Silicon Valley Council of Nonprofits from 2001 to 2019. 她经验的深度 is focused in Policy, Advocacy, Leadership Development and Executive Coaching. Her knowledge of the local political landscape began while a student at 菠菜网lol正规平台 to present. Ms. Gardner is respected statewide and local expert on the nonprofit sector. Her skills focus on supporting nonprofit and philanthropic organizations become a stronger, smarter and more strategic. 她是美国XX级领导力研究员.  Patricia graduate in 1979 with B.A. degree in Political Science 来自圣何塞州立大学 and in 1986 a Master’s Degree in Nonprofit Public Administration from California State University East Bay. She received the 2018 Alumni of the Year 来自圣何塞州立大学’s 社会科学学院-政治学. 

Bill GrahamBill Graham

Mr. Bill Graham is the President of 尊严健康红杉医院.  As President, Bill oversees operations and strategy of a 208-bed hospital serving the San Francisco Bay Area peninsula, including the nationally recognized Heart and Vascular Institute, the Family Birth Center, and the Center for Total Joint Replacement.

Prior to being named Sequoia’s President in 2015, Bill served jointly as both Vice President of Physician and Business Development for Sequoia Hospital and Chief Strategy

尊严健康湾区服务区官员. 在比尔的领导下,红杉 has been recognized locally and nationally for exceptional patient care and quality. Bill serves on numerous boards including the Chamber San Mateo County (formerly Chamber Redwood City), San Mateo County Economic Development Committee (SAMCEDA), the Hospital Council of Northern California – San Mateo Section, Retirement Plans Sub-

Committee of the CommonSpirit Health Board of Stewardship (Chair), and the Canada 大学校长咨询委员会. 他获得了理学学士学位 in Marketing at Santa Clara University and has a Master of Public Health degree from 圣何塞州立大学.

Dr. Anna HarteDr. Anna Harte, MD
Medical Director

Dr. Anna Harte is the Medical Director at 加州大学伯克利分校健康服务中心. In addition to general internal medicine, she has particular interests in tuberculosis, 旅行医疗,以及对服务不足人群的护理. Dr. 哈特监督所有的学生服务 clinical programs including Primary and Urgent Care, Specialty Clinics, Tuberculosis & Immunization Program, ancillary services, and Sports Medicine as well as Occupational Health. She received a B.A. 在加州大学圣迭戈分校获得音乐硕士学位.D. 毕业于耶鲁大学 completed her residency in Primary Care Internal Medicine at UC San Francisco.  She 从2001年开始在加州大学伯克利分校工作.

Lisa Hernandez丽莎·埃尔南德斯,医学博士,公共卫生硕士
Health Officer
City of Berkeley

Dr. Lisa Hernandez has served as the Health Officer for the City of Berkeley since 2018.  Dr. Hernandez has been working in local public health for 16 years.  She has held positions in four counties in northern California including Monterey, Santa Cruz, Santa Clara counties.  她的工作重点是解决社会因素 导致健康状况不佳.

Erica HooperDr. Erica Hooper
Kaiser Permanente学者

Dr. Erica Hooper-Arana has a personal mission in life to use her gifts to help others 治愈和转化,以达到他们最大的潜力. 她把自己的使命反映了出来 igniting one heart at a time and uses the power of the heart to intuitively guide 人们追求自己的真理,成长和治愈.

Erica has 20+ years of nursing experience working in various areas, including, pediatrics, 社区卫生、领导和教育. 她拥有护理学学士学位 degree and Doctorate of Nursing Practice in Health Care Systems Leadership from the 旧金山大学. 她还拥有护理学硕士学位 Advanced Community Health and International Nursing with a minor in Education from 加州大学旧金山分校. 艾丽卡在医院教护理 2005年进入旧金山大学(USF). 她目前是一名地区检察官 Program Manager with a focus on academic relations and community health for the Kaiser 永久学者学院.

Mary HaugheyMary Hoshiko Haughey
YMCA of Silicon Valley

Mrs. Hoshiko Haughey is the 首席运营官 for the YMCA of Silicon Valley. Mary is passionate about the programmatic magic found in the intersection between youth development, education, and healthy living – creating impact for all members of our community. With over 43 years of YMCA leadership experience, Mary is committed to community partnerships; truly believing working together creates lasting change. Mary currently oversees all YMCA of Silicon Valley operations and serves as a national leader for the YMCA movement in expanded learning programs and youth health and wellness. Mary also teaches each semester with the child development department at Gavilan College. 玛丽以B的成绩毕业.A. 圣克拉拉大学文科硕士. She earned her Master’s in Education with an emphasis in school-age programs and M.A. in Human Services with a Leadership emphasis through Concordia University St. Paul.

Michele LewMichele Lew
The Health Trust

Ms. Lew serves as CEO of The Health Trust, a $100M+ nonprofit operating foundation 专注于在硅谷建立医疗公平. 健康信托成立于1996年 serves as a funder, a direct service provider, and a policy advocate. Programs include food and nutrition services, including Meals on Wheels, medically tailored meals, and a food pantry; medical and non-medical supports for people at risk of, or living with, HIV/AIDS and other chronic conditions; and housing support for previously homeless 家庭和个人.

此前,米歇尔曾在当地政府任职 & 斯坦福大学社区关系主任 Health Care. She also served as President and CEO of Asian Americans for Community Involvement (AACI), a nonprofit health center, for more than a decade.

Michele served as the district director for former California State Legislator Joe Simitian. Earlier in her career, she worked with the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, Joint Venture: Silicon Valley Network, and UCLA on education issues.

Michele serves as board chair for the Santa Clara Family Health Plan and On Lok Day 作为Leo M .的董事会成员. 肖蒂诺家族基金会. She previously served as the community member on the San Jose Mercury News editorial board.

米歇尔是圣克拉拉县人,成绩是B.A. 毕业于耶鲁大学经济学专业 and a Master’s in Public Policy from the Harvard Kennedy School.

Katherine LuceroKatherine Lucero

Coming Soon




Melissa Murphy

Dr. 梅丽莎·墨菲,DNP,注册会计师,NEA-BC

Dr. Melissa Murphy DNP, RN, NEA-BC is the 护理专业实践主任 在圣克拉拉谷医疗中心. 她获得了护理实践博士学位 来自旧金山大学. 她负责管理SCVMC的住院护理团队 that provide training and development to nurses, nurses’ aides, and onboarding orientation for all SCVMC staff, as well as overseeing the Nursing Quality, Nursing Systems, Medical 图书馆,伤口护理和血管护理小组. 她在教育服务部门的角色 Department, she collaborates with many academic programs and universities, including the 健康与人文科学学院 at 圣何塞州立大学. Santa Clara Valley Medical Center serves as a clinical training site for over 800 nurses at all 每年的学术成就水平.

Trevor Murray

Dr. 特雷弗·默里,DNP,注册会计师,NEA-BC
Regional Director for Community Health and Workforce for the Future

Dr. 特雷弗·默里,DNP,注册会计师,NEA-BC, RN-BC (informatics) is currently the Regional Director for Community Health and Workforce for the Future with the Kaiser Permanente 北加州学者学院. 在加入学者学院团队之前 在他目前的职位上. Murray served as the Director for Clinical Education Practice and Informatics from 2017 to 2021 at the Vallejo Kaiser Permanente medical center where he encouraged nurses to advance their academic preparation and pursue professional certification.

Dr. Murray earned a Bachelor of Arts in International and Regional Studies and began his early career focusing on the community development of underserved populations 在美国担任志愿者期间.S. Peace Corps in Bolivia. Dr. Murray was eventually promoted to Peace Corps Volunteer Coordinator and focused his attention on developing relationships with new community stakeholders to support site placement of community health and small business development Peace Corps volunteers in the eastern department of Santa Cruz, Bolivia. Dr. 默里负责后勤、技术和医疗方面的工作 needs of Peace Corps volunteers spread out over a thousand miles in both rural

and urban communities. 在玻利维亚与护士们一起工作时. Murray made 他决定返回美国.S. 为从事新的护理事业而接受培训.

Dr. Murray graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) from the University of Nevada, Reno in 2006. While working as a critical care nurse he served in his local American Association of Critical Care Nurses (AACN) chapter as treasurer, president-elect, and president. Dr. Murray earned his master’s degree in nursing with a focus in leadership in 2013 and as a KP Nurse Scholar recently completed his Doctor of Nursing Practice (eldnp),重点是行政领导

旧金山大学. Dr. 默里曾在太平洋联合大学担任兼职教员 College teaching pathophysiology in the department of nursing. Dr. Murray is a Caritas Coach, HeartMath Trainer, Performance Improvement advisor, and a certified Epic Clinical Informaticist.

Candace RoneyCandace Roney

Ms. Candace Roney is the Executive Director at the Santa Clara County Dental Society and Santa Clara County Dental Foundation, serving more than 1,700 dentists in the Santa Clara County. Prior to this role, she served as the Executive Director, Community Partnerships at the Stanford Children’s Health from 2003 to 2013. She received her Master’s in Public Administration and BA in Journalism with a minor in Political Science 来自圣何塞州立大学.

Sherri SagerSherri Sager

Ms. Sherri Sager has been at the Lucie Packard Children’s Hospital for over 28 years.  She is responsible for building and maintaining relationships with elected officials 各级政府. 她主要研究影响儿童生活的政策问题 health, children's hospitals, other children's issues and hospitals. Additionally, she also builds partnerships for the hospital with the community.  She has served as member of the Board of Directors of the Joint Venture Silicon Valley as well as Chair of the Board of Directors for the San Mateo County Economic Development Association.  Ms. Sager is an alumna of 圣何塞州立大学 receiving her Master’s of Public Administration.

Nitin SalunkeNitin Salunke
President and CEO
Supira Medical

Mr. Salunke has over two decades of medical device development and leadership experience. Currently, he is President and CEO of Supira Medical, a Shifamed portfolio company. Previously, he served as Vice President of Research and Development for Medtronic’s 神经血管业务及其管理委员会成员. 在这个角色中,尼廷是 responsible for the strategic growth through new product development for the global business, which included therapies for treating ischemic and hemorrhagic strokes. Prior to Medtronic, Nitin served as the Vice President of Research and Development at Altura Medical (acquired by Lombard Medical), as well as Director of Research and Development Engineering at Cordis Corp, a Johnson and Johnson company; acquired by Cardinal Health. 在他职业生涯的早期,尼廷在W.L. Gore & Associates, holding roles of increasing responsibility within new product development, engineering operations and marketing. Nitin is an inventor / co-author on several patents and publications. Nitin holds a PhD in Mechanical Engineering, with research focus in Cardiovascular Biomechanics, from the University of Maryland Baltimore County.  Additionally, he holds an M.S. from the University of Oklahoma and an Executive MBA from San Jose State University.