关于 的IACUC Committee

Authority and Function

的 IACUC derives its authority from 的 Law as mandated by 的 Health Research Extension Act of 1985 (PL 99-158) and 的 Animal Welfare Act (PL 89-544) and is charged with developing and implementing institutional policies and standards pertaining to animal 护理和使用. San Jose State University’s President has established an IACUC, which is qualified through 的 training and expertise of its members to review and monitor all aspects of 的 institution's animal 护理和使用 program, facilities, and activities.

的 IACUC is charged with:

  1. Reviewing and approving animal 护理和使用 protocols;
  2. Monitoring all approved animal activities and facilities;
  3. Ensuring human and animal welfare associated with approved activities;
  4. Making recommendations to 的 Institutional Official regarding any aspect of animal 护理和使用 standards, facilities and personnel training; and
  5. Investigating reported concerns of animal 护理和使用 at 菠菜网lol正规平台.  

的 IACUC will conduct site inspections of facilities that support animal-related activities and review 的 institution’s Animal Care Program no less than every six months as required.  Reports of 的IACUC are submitted directly to 的 Institutional Official in accordance with Federal law.

Veterinary Officers

的 University President has designated 的 Associate Vice-President of Research as 的 Institutional Official for 菠菜网lol正规平台 to ensure that all animal welfare standards are being met campus-wide.  的 Institutional Official will have 的 authority to commit resources and adopt Policy changes to ensure 的 Animal Care Program at 菠菜网lol正规平台 is in compliance with Federal law.  的 IACUC and Campus Veterinarian shall report directly to 的 Institutional Official all findings, reports and recommendations to improve 的 菠菜网lol正规平台 Animal Care Program and its Facilities.

Campus Veterinarian will have delegated responsibility for 的 health and well-being of all animals involved in University activities. 的 Campus Veterinarian is a voting member of 的IACUC and will have unlimited access to all animal use areas with due respect for 的 demands of research and teaching in progress. 的 Campus Veterinarian will have 的 authority to suspend any activity involving animals when 的 health of 的 animals or investigators is deemed inappropriately in jeopardy, including those with a protocol approved by 的IACUC. All consulting veterinarians shall carry out 的ir duties, as outlined in 的 Program of Veterinary Care on file in 的 University Animal Care office.

的 Animal Care Facility Operations Manager (ACFOM) will: 

  1. Coordinate all business of 的IACUC;
  2. Supervise 的 veterinary care staff and carry out veterinary treatment as directed by a veterinarian;
  3. Coordinate project support and personnel training with investigators; and
  4. Coordinate with investigators all orders to receive and uncrate live animals.

Veterinary health concerns are to be relayed immediately to 的 ACFOM or 的 Campus Veterinarian to ensure all animals have access to adequate veterinary care.

Reporting Animal Welfare Concerns

的 IACUC will promptly investigate all reported animal welfare concerns or complaints of non-compliance with institutional policies that involve 的 care and treatment of animals at 菠菜网lol正规平台.

Any person may report anonymously concerns related to animal 护理和使用 at San Jose State University or Moss Landing Marine Laboratories by contacting 的 IACUC Coordinator, 的 Campus Veterinarian, or 的IACUC Chairperson.